Rosemary Water for Hair Growth

Rosemary Water for Hair Growth

With all the hair growth challenges appearing on social media, you may be tempted to join in and see just how much length you can retain. One of The Kurldom's favorite ways to retain length is through protective styling, maintaining moisture, and trim maintenance. Lately, one method the K.E.O has been testing out is: Rosemary Water. Rosemary water has been around for a while now, but it has been starting to gain more popularity over the past few months. If you are looking for a natural way to promote hair growth, increase shine, and strengthen your hair, then you may want to consider giving rosemary water a try.


Rosemary has many benefits including:

- Stimulating hair growth

- Increasing shine

- Relieving dry, flaky, and inflamed scalp

- Reducing hair loss

- Increasing blood flow

Women all over social media have been claiming to see an increase in growth and thickness after 30 days of using rosemary water. Nevertheless, you must use all hair/beauty hacks with caution because everyone is different and results may vary. Rosemary water has also been known to increase shine which is bonus for women and men who struggle with dull hair. Rosemary contains various vitamins such as Vitamin B6, A, C, magnesium, iron, and folate. Vitamin A in particular is necessary for hair growth, so it's important to make sure you are not only getting your vitamins externally, but internally by eating the necessary foods as well.

Rosemary Essential Oil

If you are going to use rosemary essential oil in your regimen, be sure to dilute it with a carrier oil. The Kurldom's favorite carrier oils are avocado and jojoba oil because not only do they increase shine, but they are low comedogenic oils that also contain vitamin A.

How To Make Rosemary Water

If you are making rosemary water for the first time, we suggest making enough to test it out, but not too much that it goes to waste. You are going to need:


- Fresh Rosemary

- Distilled Water

That is all, just two ingredients. Distilled water and fresh rosemary leaves can be purchased at your local grocery store or market. Fresh rosemary can be found in the produce section, but be careful and check the rosemary leaves for freshness before purchasing. Healthy rosemary leaves should be dark green and vibrant.

Instructions (serving size: 1/2 cup) :

-In a medium sauce pan, pour 1-1/2  to 2 cups of distilled water

- Add 3-4 rosemary leaves.

- On medium heat, bring the rosemary and water to a boil, and then turn to low heat.

- Let the rosemary water simmer for 10-15 minutes, turn stove off and let rosemary steep and cool for 20 minutes.

At this point, the rosemary water should appear as a dark red/purple liquid; once that happens and the water has cooled down, you can now transfer it to a new container. You can always make more rosemary water to store and save for later; expect water loss due to evaporation from the heated water phase. Feel free to use The Kurldom's "Rosemary Water for Hair Growth & Shine" video as a guide.


Rosemary is antibacterial and antifungal; however, rosemary cannot be left out for too long without becoming rancid. If you plan to make a larger batch to use throughout the week, then it is important that you refrigerate after each use. A cute way to store any D.I.Y cosmetic project is place it in a mason jar, but you can also use plastic spray bottles or any clean reusable container if you prefer to go the sustainable route.


There are multiple methods you can use your rosemary water. The first method is by using it as a hair rinse. After shampooing your hair, pour the rosemary water throughout your hair and let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse out. Sine rosemary strengthens the hair, you do not want to risk making your hair too brittle so it is important to follow up with a deep conditioner for added moisture. 

The second method is to use it as a daily leave-in spray. By using it as a leave-in spray, make sure the rosemary is properly diluted so the rosemary does not dry your hair out. Also follow up the leave-in spray with your normal moisture and seal routine.

The third method is to mix with your shampoo. The Kurldom does not recommend pouring your rosemary water into your store bought shampoo because adding the extra ingredients can throw off the stability of the shampoo and cause the shampoo to seperate and grow mold. Instead, massage in your shampoo and then mix your rosemary water and massage them both into your scalp, rinse out and complete your wash day routine.

Shameless Plug

Of course we cannot finish off this blog without letting you know where else you can find rosemary. Our Lavender & Cucumber Scalp Serum features 5% rosemary essential oil for one very important reason which is its ability to increase scalp circulation. Scalp circulation is essential to hair growth and thickness. Rosemary essential oil paired with lavender essential oil, jojoba oil, and cucumber extract makes for a relaxing and cooling scalp massage. Don't believe us, give it a try and prove us wrong.

If you enjoyed this blog, then you will enjoy our previous blog: 6 Tips: To Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Scalp  . Experience more of Kultured Kurlz on social media and get to know the K.E.O on our newly added YouTube channel: The Kurldom!



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1 comment

Hey! Thank you so much for this!
So I tried, but my rose Mary water didn’t turn purple or reddish. It’s still light yellow. Could you tell me why and what I should do to make it purple?


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